
Monday, June 6, 2011

The Summer Purge - no take backs!

So in my quest to be a reseller I have really purchased too much stuff in the last month or two…and it all has quickly taken over my house, so I have changed my selling strategy.  This new strategy is to purchase items that will fetch a higher price and stop with the smalls.  Don't get me wrong you can make a nice chunk if you sell them in quantity, but since resell is only a hobby / cool stuff fund...I'm over it. LOL.  The past week I got to work and pulled all the items out of the nooks and crannies I have it shoved in and priced it for a yard sale.  Of course not all of the items were things I purchased for resell but some are things that I have had for years and recently circulated out. (When I get cooler things...I play the “what needs to go game”…I have a fear of the “H” word.)

I placed my craigslist ad and talked Mr. Honey into putting up the signs (he hates this...this and returning things. LOL) and here I was out on the sidewalk ( Florida is humid right now...geezzz)  Have you ever… had a sale where you get a decent flow of people and then in the lull start organizing the tables.....well I really like this....I think I will keep it.   Ohohhhh hmmm This is useful too!  Somehow I have managed to walk four or five things right back into the house!  Please say I’m not alone!  I remember when one guy was looking over a funky necklace and as he was inspecting it I talked myself into keeping it if he passed on it.  Luckily and unluckily he bought it....

Once I sold enough stuff to make me happy and give me some space back, I decided to pack up….and of course as soon as I made the decision four or five people stopped at once. (That is just the way it happens!)  One lady walked out with an armful! (GO me!) so I didn’t even think twice about just giving her some stuff that was going to be donated.  The word FREE is always very enticing.
Yeah the sale was over and boy was I glad…I always feel awkward at my own yard sales (I’m weird) I don’t want people to think I’m hawking them or not willing to answer questions/haggle….It is like being on stage and not know what to do with your hands…LOL But it all served a greater purpose…I have a lead on a Witco World Map.  That is all I’m saying for now…I don’t want to get too excited and then be deflated like a helium balloon later.

This is what I walked back in:

Cast iron candle holder - rather gothic

Brass toned Owl belt buckle with stretch belt!

Super mod Red, White & Blue bracelet!

I did do a teeny bit of thrifting this weekend with my wins/earnings and here is what I brought home:
Cute little gold mesh purse/nail kit.  Came with a comb and a nail file, but there is a section open for purse stuff (cash, ID's, etc.)
I think I might be alone on the decision of the bear….Mr Honey gave me the “Did you really just buy this” face.
Anyways that the weekend in review....Everything is available for Honey Trade if anyone is interested!



  1. I found your blog yesterday and read through. Love the drinks post. Love your chairs post below

    and today I see you commenting on Van's(thriftcore's) post! :)

    Anyways I sell at antique markets and I sometimes sigh when stuff sells which is strange because the purpose is to sell. !

  2. Hi Sraikh!

    Yeah turns out my last customer was Van....she scored all the free stuff...small world.

    Thanks for reading! more drinks posts to come!

    I'm usually good with paring down...but there are always those few items that take a while to purge. LOL I have almost donated that belt like three times.

  3. I find it so hard to have a yard sale...I much prefer going to them! I have done the walk-it-back-into-the-house routine when having a sale, too.
    I like what you brought back in!

  4. The last time I had a yard sale I put a really high price on a dresser that my husband wanted out of the garage, but I was sort of still attached to. I figured if anyone wanted to pay THAT much for it, then I'd sell it, otherwise I would just keep her. And someone bought it 5 minutes before I was going to close up for the day.

    I'm with you on the what to do with your hands. I get nervous when I don't say anything (don't want to be rude), but then when I do talk to them I get the feeling I'm annoying them.

  5. hehe... the boy put on a 'Hoarders' episode recently which had me shaking in my boots. Apparently one clear distinction between the 'H' word and collectors is that collectors are open to selling and giving away some of their 'collection'. Phew...
    I definitely agree with trying to fetch items that sell at higher prices but it certainly is hard to pass on some of them!

  6. I just found your blog today . I simply love it. It's wonderful to find people who have the same appreacation for mid century things. To be honest I'm jealous of your lamp collection. I love continental art co lamps. I'm on a search for them. But havent been lucky yet. But the hunts part of the fun. I did get an awesome majestic lamp at an auction last week. I'm amazed we have the same pink chair. Anyway just wanted to say I love your blog and thanks for the beautiful eye candy

  7. @Tammy Glad I'm not alone!

    @Pam Don't you hate that...I have put a few things on the big E (eBay)at crazy prices because I feel like I have to give it one go around before I can keep it....then it sells :(

    @Vintage Scapes Phew here too...I don't have a problem getting rid of stuff! That's a good sign.

    @Leah Thanks, it is always nice to find other people that are into lamps. I try to show my friends photos of ones I like...AKA lamp porn and they don't get it. You have the same chair too...I can tell you have good taste.

  8. oo would you want to trade the bracelet for a jar of honey from Chicago? Or it might be from Wisconsin/Michigan depending on the market I go to-- I live in Chicago. What size of jar are you looking for? Sounds like a fun trade!

    Also I've never had a yard sale (no yard in the city) but have sold at a local flea market and also sell items to one of my favorite antiques stores.

  9. Yeah! Leilani,

    I would absolutely trade the bracelet...for a jar from either place. Not sure on the size...I know down here (in FL) honey usually comes in a standard canning I would say just use your judgment. I will be happy with any size :) I'm excited!

  10. Yes I know the feeling, my friends look like deer in headlights when I ramble on about lamps or Francisco starters or heywood wakefield. However one of my friends has a pair of continental art lamps with the original shades. I offered crazy money for them sadly she has sentimental attachment to them so she turned me down. Yeah I certainly have a lamp obsession. I bought 4 lamps last weekend. I should really put them on eBay.... since I got them pretty cheap.

  11. Is it sad that I want to see these lamps? LOL

  12. Sadly I think I have more pics of my furniture and lamps then my kids on my facebook page. Only kidding its about.equal.
