
Friday, March 18, 2011

Lets trade it up….again!

A new week for trading, hooray!  So this week I did some organizing of the household and unearthed some new things.  In the back of the office closet I found my container of buttons and I have tons.  I don’t know why but I’m drawn to them, maybe it is the memories of playing in my grandmother’s button tin as a child.  Sorting by color and by design, then when I left putting them all back only to do it again with difference variations next week.   But truly, I’m more artsy than craftsy so I think it is time to (hopefully!) trade some of them to people who will use them.  That being said here are my buttons (and few other items) for trade:

Another item up for grabs, is a whale tail wine bottle holder I thrifted a while back...sorry wine not included... it was tasty!
And....last but not least, something else I found mingled with my art supplies, a bunch of rub on transfer letters.  These would be great for any project...especially scrapbookers.  Many different sizes.

And while I still would LOVE anything from my list from last week, most of that was more dreaming than realistic.(we all got dreams and I dream BIG and in furniture)  So here are a few things I need (well…really want).

Small metal plant name stakes  (for my herb garden)
Any vintage etiquette or cocktail books
Vintage Ladies Magazines
The new Karen Moning book (Shadowfever)
Six Leather weave buttons ( for my honey’s cardigan)

If you have some items you are willing to trade that you think I might be interested in, drop me a line and ask!  I don’t bite!  And…. If you are looking for particular buttons I might have those too…I’m holdin’ back. 

Have a great weekend!



  1. This is a bad trading week for me but if I was organized I would know where to find several items on your list around here.

    While not a wine drinker I do have to admire the bottle holder, and yet say WHY would anyone think that up?

  2. I thought the same thing when I saw it, but still got it anyways. That happens alot! :) But it does look quite nice on the dining table when it is set.
