
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Into the Reselling World I go...

At the beginning of March, I officially became a Reseller (my shop); it feels weird to say that but truthfully it was inevitable.  I love to thrift, and over the years I've accumulated so many things.  Luckily I have never had a hard time getting rid of items (most things at least) but for everything I donate, more finds its way into the house.(hmm...wonder how that happens!?!)  In the past year I have really refined my home interior style, mid century atomic all the way baby! I love it all!  Unfortunately, the downside to this fabulous style is that everything I want is insanely expensive.  Not cool!  So short term goal for my shop is to resell some of my thrifting finds and use the profit to buy my most coveted items.  Wish me luck!  Here are a few at the top of my list!!  (Please be careful don't drool on your keyboards people)

 Witco Map of the World (oh how I lust for you)

Heywood Wakefield room divider (Is it getting hot in here?)

Curtis Jere sea urchin wall sculpture (sigh)

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