
Monday, March 28, 2011

Thrift Share Monday

I almost missed posting today, but how could I pass up I mean sharing my wonderful finds!  This weekend was a beautiful day for hitting the sales.  Me and the honey decided to focus mainly on yard and garage sales.  While I LOVE estate sales, sometimes I don't feel like I can get the "good" stuff since I am unable to go on a Thursday or Friday.  Does anyone agree?

We had a nice relaxed pace, got breakfast and coffee from the bakery around the corner (Spinach & Feta Quiche.  Yum!) and we were off!  Since I am ALL about the mid century some of the places we try to hit are in older neighborhoods from the period.  First thing I found was this pole lamp for ten bucks!  The chrome on it is in great condition, the shades are made of cork and linen.  Isn't is awesome, it satisfied my inner lamp freak...for now.

Then the next place had some great dishes.  I bought a set of three pyrex teal pinstripe tea cups with saucers, and a set of 6 Dansk BLT plates with matching bowls.  Major score!


So all in all a great day.  I can't wait until next weekend to do it all again!  Of course next weekend we will be in Savannah.  Thrifting road trip!  Does anyone know any good thrift stores there?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Bar Aid - Lets spin that wheel! #55

So Friday is now Mid Century drink day!  Yeah!  Put it on your calendar.  All the recipes will come from my super cool Bar Aid.  There are a total of 80 drink recipes, so to make the selection random I have a printed out each number on a slip of paper and put them in a jar.  Every week, one will be drawn and made, which kinda makes this like an eight ball, but with alcohol.  Sweet!  Today's number is....55!  A Millionaire # 1  (can I have two of these? the Millionaire not the drink)

RECIPE:  2/3 Dry Gin, 1/3 Pernod, 1 Egg White, 1 dash Anisette, Shake well with ice and strain into glass.

Seems easy enough…on a side note, don’t get weirded out by the egg white guys, it makes your drink a little frothy.  It is a good thing I swear.

 I didn’t have Pernod or Anisette on hand, so I made a quick trip to the local liquor store.  There I learned that Pernod is actually pronounced Per-no, being French and all. (I was seriously asking for Per-nod, I must have sounded totally green! Ha)   Also, per the all-knowing wikipedia, Sambuca can be substituted for Anisette. (they didn't have any)

Now that I have all the ingredients…Let make that drink (said in my “Let’s make a deal” voice)

With a little pouring, cracking, and shaking....Voila!

Down the hatch! 

VERDICT: Good, but only if you like licorice and I do.  Tastes rather like a black jelly bean in liquid form.

Let there be light...

I have an obsession(one of many) with kitschy lamps. I started collecting them about a year ago and haven't been able to stop! Let's just say I have the best lit house on the block. Lately my collecting has slowed down since I really don't have any place to put them anymore. But! I still browse of course. The beauty of searching and thrifting is that you NEVER know what you will find. Here are some in my current collection:

This beauty is a Continental Art Lamp

Mr. Tiki is so cool!

Another Continental Art Lamp

This one I have a matching pair! 

Majestic Z Lamp my favorite!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Thrift Share Monday

I ALWAYS thrift during the weekend, but this weekend I didn’t.


I know I know…For some unknown reason, I had this huge burst of energy and decided to get a bunch of stuff the done around the house. I was so motivated that I made a list and I love making lists, seriously I could make lists about making lists. The manual process of writing things down, accomplishing them and scratching them off can be like crack to me. What can I say, I’m weird.

BUT! All is not lost, I have some thrifting finds I picked up earlier in the week. Having the best thrift store in town about 4 minutes from work is dangerous. Oh yes, lunch time is thrift time.

Two Pyrex dishes in a great pink color  Minty.
Austria Email enamel cookware from the 60's

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Ok so since I’m out to learn a little bit about the basics mid century style. I figured why not start tonight, since my honey has some friend over to watch the UFC fight. (I have this bad habit of calling it a game…”No, dear it’s a fight.” “Fight…game…What’s the diff?”) So I have decided to make some treats for the guy while they watch the game…er..fight.

I’m going to be doubly wifey-like (it is totally a word) and make something he has requested. Ooohhhh! Of course he has to request weird stuff. So tonight I’m making Gingersnap Sandwiches with Blue Cheese Filling. Is anyone going…WHAT…about the blue cheese filling or it just me?

VERDICT: Pretty good with the blue cheese, but I prefer without.  The basic Gingersnap is delish! I did make a few adjustments.  I used apple cider vinegar since I was out of white and left out the cardamom (couldn't find it!)  After some thought, I think switching the blue cheese out for a different cheese would make this out of this world.  I'm thinking a goat cheese. Hmm now that sounds good.

Here is the recipe if anyone is intrigued.



150 grams of butter
400 grams granulated sugar
2 eggs
160 milliliters molasses
20 milliliters vinegar
525 grams white bread flour
1 tablespoon baking soda
1 tablespoon ground ginger
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon ground cloves
3/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
2 cups quality blue cheese
1 cup sour cream

In a mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar, scraping down the sides of the bowl frequently. Add the eggs, one at a time. Add the molasses and the vinegar slowly to avoid separating the mixture. Sift together the dry ingredients. Add the dry ingredients to the creamed butter mixture and mix just to combine. Force the dough into a flat rectangle. Wrap and chill the dough until firm. Divide the dough into 50 small, equal portions. Roll the dough into balls. Dredge the balls in sugar. Place the cookies on a parchment lined sheet pan. Bake the cookies at 350 degrees F for 7-10 minutes. They will spread, the sugar crust will begin to firm up in the middle.

For the blue cheese filling, blend blue cheese and sour cream until smooth and creamy. Spread the filling between two cookies, sandwich-style.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lets trade it up….again!

A new week for trading, hooray!  So this week I did some organizing of the household and unearthed some new things.  In the back of the office closet I found my container of buttons and I have tons.  I don’t know why but I’m drawn to them, maybe it is the memories of playing in my grandmother’s button tin as a child.  Sorting by color and by design, then when I left putting them all back only to do it again with difference variations next week.   But truly, I’m more artsy than craftsy so I think it is time to (hopefully!) trade some of them to people who will use them.  That being said here are my buttons (and few other items) for trade:

Another item up for grabs, is a whale tail wine bottle holder I thrifted a while back...sorry wine not included... it was tasty!
And....last but not least, something else I found mingled with my art supplies, a bunch of rub on transfer letters.  These would be great for any project...especially scrapbookers.  Many different sizes.

And while I still would LOVE anything from my list from last week, most of that was more dreaming than realistic.(we all got dreams and I dream BIG and in furniture)  So here are a few things I need (well…really want).

Small metal plant name stakes  (for my herb garden)
Any vintage etiquette or cocktail books
Vintage Ladies Magazines
The new Karen Moning book (Shadowfever)
Six Leather weave buttons ( for my honey’s cardigan)

If you have some items you are willing to trade that you think I might be interested in, drop me a line and ask!  I don’t bite!  And…. If you are looking for particular buttons I might have those too…I’m holdin’ back. 

Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Into the Reselling World I go...

At the beginning of March, I officially became a Reseller (my shop); it feels weird to say that but truthfully it was inevitable.  I love to thrift, and over the years I've accumulated so many things.  Luckily I have never had a hard time getting rid of items (most things at least) but for everything I donate, more finds its way into the house.(hmm...wonder how that happens!?!)  In the past year I have really refined my home interior style, mid century atomic all the way baby! I love it all!  Unfortunately, the downside to this fabulous style is that everything I want is insanely expensive.  Not cool!  So short term goal for my shop is to resell some of my thrifting finds and use the profit to buy my most coveted items.  Wish me luck!  Here are a few at the top of my list!!  (Please be careful don't drool on your keyboards people)

 Witco Map of the World (oh how I lust for you)

Heywood Wakefield room divider (Is it getting hot in here?)

Curtis Jere sea urchin wall sculpture (sigh)

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Art of Thrift

I have been a thrift junkie for years; church sales, thrift stores, estate sales….you name it I’m there.   My love of thrift started young, with my aunt who uses to take me to garage sales on Saturdays as a kid.  On those trips is where I learned to hone my thrifting style; I’m what you would call a fast thrifter, in and out, then on to the next.  Since I’m a speed thrifter I have found it easier at times to fly solo, nothing can torture me like going with a slowie, someone who has to look and touch everything like five times to only buy the two items they picked up in the first five minutes.  If I was ever a spy, this would be a successful technique to get me to spill my secrets.

Recently I have discovered a great partner in crime, my fiancĂ©!  I don’t know how I scored a guy that likes to thrift, has a keen eye, AND who isn’t a slowie. (Cha-Ching!)  We try to get out early on Saturdays for the most part, and sometimes it actually works! (I perpetually run late which drives him nuts)  On the rare occasion there is a particularly awesome sale I’m up early (for me) rushing around all the while screaming “Someone is buying my stuff!” (Ok well not screaming it…I’m not a crazy person after all. Geez )  

This weekend…was a lazy weekend, but still fruitful.  Here are my pickings to share:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lets trade it up!

I have been an online lurker for quite a while, so I think it is time to participate!  I’m totally feeling Selena’s post, over on Apron Thrift Girl, on the craft of bartering. I don’t know why I didn't think of this before her great post.  A lot of guys I know have been bartering for years; trading tools, vintage car parts, services (welding, powder coating) for things that they need or want.  It would be great to have a network that does the same online! (a place to say, trade for that hard to find china pattern and such). 

Here are some things that I have to barter:

*** Mid Century Atomic 7ft long velvet sofa!  (I know this is a big item…for this one thing the tradee will have   to arrange and pay shipping (pickup is free!), and in fairness I will pay shipping for the receiving trade item.) I got it from the original owner, she was 96!

            *** Mid Century wall paper roller lamp with a great sunflower like design. Or any of the glass bottles next to it!

     *** Plates by Taylorstone in the Cathay pattern.  I have quite a few, so I will trade in sets of 8.  I have about 3 or 4 sets.              


This is my list of the things I have been looking for and drooling over:
  ***Bullet planter pot (does not have to include the metal stand, hopefully in teal/turquoise, but will accept white or cream…and maybe other colors.)
  ***C. Jere sea urchin wall hanging/sculpture (I know I’m dreaming!)
  *** Witco world map (still dreaming)
  ***Any pieces of Jackson china by Paul McCobb in the gold starburst pattern    
  *** Mid Century style umbrella stand
  *** Bojesen style wooden monkey
  ***Heywood Wakefield Bookcase (straight and/or corner one)
  ***Mid Century coat rack (that hangs on the wall)
  ***A piece of Frankl six+ band rattan furniture
  ***Any Broyhill Brasilia pieces
  ***Danish wall unit/bookshelves
  ***A ride in a hot air balloon
  ***Any Kay Denning jewelry (I love it so)

If you are interested in making a swap! Just drop me a line.
Take care,


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

And so it all begins...

I promised myself that my first post wouldn’t be ridiculously clichĂ©, but …


There, now that that’s out of the way, welcome to my little atomic, mid-century modern, teal lovin’, boomeranged corner of the internet.  I became a convert to the cause in a roundabout way, falling in love first with the aesthetics of vintage clothing and accessories, cooing over fur hats, drooling slightly (but in a dignified way) over copper and enamel jewelry. But it all changed when I got my first look at a Heywood Wakefield triple wish bone table, with the matching dog bone chairs of course! It was love at first sight (second and third sight too!) I was hooked, and before you knew it I had a Continental Art lamp with a fiberglass shade (swoon!), and another, then another -- the kitschier the better. My weekends were spent at thrift stores and estate sales searching for just the right pieces. Slowly my house was transformed (sometimes to my poor beleaguered fiance's chagrin) with Welby Starburst clocks (hey there sweet thang), more Hey-Wake (the more the merrier), Majestic lamps (you stunning beauties), Atomic barkcloth curtains (sigh), and so on, and so on…  I think you get the picture.

But I couldn’t stop there, what else goes with a mid-century home? A mid-century house wife! So I’m setting out to learn everything our grandmothers have probably forgotten; the cooking, the sewing, and the ability to make a proper drink (Hey you! Redbull! Take a hike!). So this is a place for me to share with you, my hopefully soon to be readers, the highs (oooooh! Wouldja look at this lamp I found?), the lows (You mean I’m expected to have supper ready for my man?!), and anything else I find while exploring mid-centurydom.
