
Monday, June 25, 2012

Thrift Share Monday: Good Thrifting Karma

Man this weekend flew by...there was a lot going on this weekend, but I made sure to budget a few hours early Saturday morning to go thrifting with my best friend Sarah, and I'm glad I did!  The first stop was at my favorite thrift...simply called "The Thrift Store"  Now this is a great store, but always packed.  We arrived at 8:55...about 5 minutes before opening and we joined the other 20 or so people crowed around the door waiting for it to open.  The five minutes passed super slow....but finally the doors opened and we all piled in.  I did a quick round around the store and checked out with these beauties

More Iittala! A nice pair of matching candlestick
An Arabia jam pot! My favorite piece if Arabia I have found.
One thrift down many more to go!  Over the next couple hours we were able to hit another four thrifts before we headed home...Here is the rest of the booty:

Sea of Sweden cute!
Pair of Heller individual souffle dishes
Cool ice texture goblets!
I thought these might be Iittala Kekkerit goblet, but I'm not so sure.  Anyone know?

The mystery vase!  It is marked Leung on the bottom.  Anyone familiar?
I think this looks like a cloud...well a trippy cloud.

Super cute pottery piece.

Can't identify this piece but I also couldn't leave it behind!  It is signed K Lady on the bottom and of course the only thing my brain fills in is "Kat Lady" :)

A full set of pink Pyrex...that is right PINK!!  YAY!
And last but not least....the major find for the day...DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....


More entire service of 4 of Ruija pattern.

I about flipped out at the Salvation Army when I saw this set....then I saw the price tag!! WHAT  14.99 for all 30 pieces....insane.(I had quick flashback of my find from last weekend.)  I didn't want to leave them so I grabbed what I could so to lay claim to them and asked Sarah to get me a cart.  (She rolled her eyes at

A total Thift-gasm moment!

Man oh man....I was ready to head home....I didn't want to press my luck (No Whammies No Whammies)

I hope everyone's weekend was just as awesome!



PS:  My contest/giveaway ends on Wednesday @ jump on over and give it a guess!

PSS:  I have been experimenting with some of my colored scarves when taking it too much??

Linking up with Her Library Adventures and  Apron Thrift Girl


  1. really scored this weekend! It's all fantastic. Those sure look like Kekkerit goblets to me. And $14.99 for a service for 4? Crazy! That size of Festivo candlesticks alone are worth a good bit. I think the ceramist you're asking about is Carolyn Leung.

  2. Yeah exactly....CRAZY! :) It gave me a thrifting buzz all day. Haha. IS Carolyn Leung, thanks so much Dana!

  3. you cleaned house this weekend!! Loving all your finds, especially those pink pyrex bowls.

    1. Thanks! I love these pink bowls...they are keepers. Now I have to talk the honey into replacing the primary set we have with these!

  4. That pink pyrex is AWESOME! Wonderful finds and I love the scarves in the pics. I think it works :)

    1. Thanks for the input! It was fun playing with the different scarves

  5. Fantastic finds. So many great things! I think the scarves work great to highlight your pieces. BTW, the Salvation Army stores around here are never that cheap! Good find! I am now a happy follower. Joann

    1. I think I will keep using the scarves....yeah I'm surprised on the price too...somethings are super high and it is like a Target brand...then other nicer stuff is cheap. Strange. But whoever is pricing needs to keep it up!

  6. Love the set of Ruija. The Goodwills in Maine hardly ever sell sets together and instead price each piece seperatly and the prices are getting out of hand. That set might easily have gone for over $35, easily. There are no longer real thrifty prices anymore. They even have ridiculous prices on chipped, cracked and broken pieces. Not as much fun as it used to be.

    1. That bites, some store here do that sell everything seperately which I don't care for. I'm always a little shocked at what some places want for damaged items. I'm like....seriously?!?

  7. Amazing!!! Love days like that!

    1. Right! Me is days like this that keep me motivated.

  8. A whole set of Pyrex pink - pink is so hard to find!! Lucky you!!

    1. I was most definitely doing the happy dance. I think I have only found one other piece of pink Pyrex

  9. Are you serious a whole set of Arabia? What a great find. I stopped going to the Salvation Army in Jacksonville because I could never find anything. Now I may have to start back.

    1. I know I know....I had stopped going to that one too since I never find anything, but my friend Sarah I knew wanted to look at clothes and they have a I'm glad I SA will now have to be added to the rotation.

  10. Too much beauty. I love the grooovy mystery vase most of all... but love everything :)

  11. Looks like some fun find over there!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  12. What an awesome Arabia set! And $15! Fantastic! LOVE the Pink Pyrex! Just gorgeous.

  13. Such adorable finds. I really love the beautiful candlesticks.
