
Friday, March 30, 2012

Tiki Drink : Atlantic Breeze

Since my recent dining experience at Trader Vic's I have been rather obsessed with anything and everything Tiki. So I thought for this Friday I would make a tropical adult beverage.  Where better to find the perfect cocktail recipe than in Shag's Tiki Cocktail book.

After flipping around I quickly decided on the Atlanic Breeze, since I needed to juice this beautiful pineapple I picked up at the farmers market last weekend. 

 Here we go!


The hardest part was to juice the pineapple....since I have no idea how to begin I sort of MacGuyver'd it. 
The finished product!

VERDICT: Oh so good. I will have another....oh wait I already do! I don't think I will be using this glass too much unless it has been a particularly bad day.  I had to double the recipe to fill this baby up.  An automatic make mine a double so to speak.

To show you the scale of this glass....geezzz

Note to LONG straws and cocktail umbrellas.
Note to everyone else.....if you try to make this at home don't be sad if you can't "float" the grenadine....Mine sunk like a stone!

I hope you all have a great weekend!  Happy Friday!



  1. Welcome to the world of Tiki. Pretty soon you'll be obsessed, like me!

  2. Sounds so yummy! I have Galliano and rum. Maybe I need to make a pineapple run.

  3. Sigh... we used to have the most awesome tiki restaurant in Columbus. Google "Kahiki" and view the best tiki place ever. Sadly torn down and replaced by a fugging Walgreens.
