
Friday, March 9, 2012

The Museum of the American Cocktail - New Orleans

YES!  There is actually a Museum of the American Cocktail...ok so it is in a mall, but there is still some cool stuff there.  I have wanted to share these photos for awhile now, and JUST managed to get them off our dying laptop this week.  So Enjoy!


Right at the entrance there is this one display with nothing but tiki mugs!

Mr. Honey taking a sip....of sorts

I want this one!  To drink from someones head...that is the life!
Makes me think of Indian Jones for some reason.
Some of these recipes looked delish!
BOOZE IT UP!   It cracks me up that is is "A-Pass-out game" 

I want to learn 'round the bar games and bets from Ed no.

I really want this cocktail book....but it is like $300-500 bucks.  Sadness.

This is a blimp....AND a cocktail shaker.  Waaaa

There is my Bar Aid!

and my Pink Elephants!

I love these pamphlets.  I need to know how to give a Vodka Party.
These things are important!

There were LOTS of items from prohibition times

I'm sure that was a popular title.  Ha

The "Extracts"

So awesome, good ole hidden book compartment.
Apt Title "Spring Poems  The Four Swallows"

Pure Medicinal Whiskey....I don't know about you, but my whiskey is all medicinal

O' delicious Absinthe

One on the left I believe is an Oscar Wilde quote.
I'm betting on the wallpaper!

Absinthe Spoons.  So pretty

Wish I read French....

Have a great weekend!



  1. Love the absinthe spoons. They're gorgeous! And whoever made the "Four Swallows" book had a great sense of humor. :)

    1. Aren't they gorgeous! That wasn't even all the spoons they had. Some are really ornate.

  2. I love the Blimp Shaker! :) Looks like a great time!
