
Monday, November 7, 2011

Daydreaming – Murray I love you….

Do you daydreaming?  I do frequently; there is always some photo montage behind my eyes.  Images of something I want or something that has intrigued me.  Today, my daydream is a want….Murray.  I want Murray.  Who is Murray you ask….Murray is a 1958 Edsel Villager Wagon in white and teal…and yes he is people.  Isn’t he beautiful!?!  I have told Mr. Honey numerous times that if he loved me…he would get this for me…..but I haven’t come home to him in my driveway...yet!  A girl can dream can’t she…


  1. If I had a store, I would use that car as a delivery vehical and visual calling card!

  2. That would be a perfect use for Murray!

  3. Love it! What would be your vanity plate? C

  4. @My Realitty - That is a GREAT question. I will have to think on it.

  5. Murray is sure dreamy... *sigh* I definitely can see you cruising around town in that. I'll trade in my matrix for that any day.

  6. When I was a kid, a man my dad carpooled with had an Edsel exactly like that!!! Wow, that brought back memories.
