
Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Big "E" Eye Candy

Man oh man....I have some money from sales burning a hole in my Paypal pocket.  But I'm trying to be good.  So I'm just going to share my favorite items for now.  Enjoy!  There are some super cool things on the Big E right now.



Friday, November 11, 2011

Mid Century Drink Day - Hot Buttered Rum

So since it is drink day and it is freezing outside (It is 43 degrees!  Yeah I know I'm a whimp) I thought I would try a hot drink.  It took a bit of flipping to find one, but I did!  Hot Buttered Rum.

( The downer to renting is granite counter tops.....Booooo!)

RECIPE: 1.5oz. Jamaica Rum, 1 sugar cube, 4 cloves, 1 pat butter.  Put all ingredients in glass, add boiling water.

Seems easy to me!
Here are all the ingredients

Now I just need that boiling water.  If you don't have an electric kettle, I highly recommend one.  Mr.Honey bought one and I sort of rolled my eyes at it thinking it would be just another gadget taking up space; But! turns out we use it quite frequently.

Electric kettle...brings water to a boil in 60 seconds!


VERDICT: Not bad, I rather like it.  Warms you up quickly.  After making, I looked this drink up online and there are many variations.  Some use brown sugar, vanilla extract, and a medley of spices. (cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg)  I think I might add some to see how it changes the taste.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


PS:  I just added all of the extras listed above...and this drink just became AMAZING!  Definite keeper.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Daydreaming – Murray I love you….

Do you daydreaming?  I do frequently; there is always some photo montage behind my eyes.  Images of something I want or something that has intrigued me.  Today, my daydream is a want….Murray.  I want Murray.  Who is Murray you ask….Murray is a 1958 Edsel Villager Wagon in white and teal…and yes he is people.  Isn’t he beautiful!?!  I have told Mr. Honey numerous times that if he loved me…he would get this for me…..but I haven’t come home to him in my driveway...yet!  A girl can dream can’t she…

Sunday, November 6, 2011

From the mouth of Babes…my Babe…Mr. Honey

Ok normally I don’t share these sorts of things, but the fact is that Mr. Honey is freaking hilarious.  Every time he gets me giggling until I almost pee myself I think, YES! I will gladly take 50 more years of this please.

“I’m tired of being sick and sounding like a man” - Me
“You, don’t sound like a man.  You sound like a sexy chain smoking granny” – Mr. Honey
“What! No I don’t…” - Me
“Yes you do….I will call you Doris….come on, let me take you to an early bird special” – Mr. Honey

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mid Century Drink Day - Gertie's Garter

I’m back! ....a day late but none the less, let’s have a drink.
I have been MIA lately due to being sick… and as I laid in bed, home from work, I thought to myself I should be getting some prime blogging done…but all the energy I had was used to start the next episode of Medium on the lap top.  Let just say I watched a LOT of Medium and Ghost Whisperer (hey don’t judge me! These are great shows…I swear).  Thankfully I am feeling much better Dr. Robitussin and do not sound like a man anymore.  Seriously I answered a call from my brother and he thought Mr. Honey had picked up….not a good sign.
So now that I am back in the land of the living…and drinking….lets make a cocktail shall we.
This one is going to be quickie since I don’t really feel like hitting the local liquor store.  Luckily the drink gods are smiling upon me and it only took two tries to pull a cocktail number from the jar for which I had all the ingredients on hand.   SWEET!  #36  Gertie’s Garter.

RECIPE:  3 parts Dry Gin, 1 part Grapefruit Juice, 1 part Grenadine.  Shake well with ice and strain into glass.  Add fruit desired.

TIP:  If you are working to achieve a fully stocked bar like we are, I suggest to always keeps some small cans of fruit juices on hand.  We always have a few cans of tomato juice, grapefruit juice, and pineapple juice in the cabinet to use as mixers.  

So Viola!  The drink in my new "Executive" cocktail glass:

VERDICT:  Ok I'm really digging this one, it is a keeper....and I didn't think I liked Gin.  

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
