
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Charming Woman

I thought I would go back to the beginning (of sorts) for a little inspiration. What really started me on the idea of a blog was a book that I found several years ago call “The Charming Woman”.  It is a guide to become well...a Charming Woman, circa 1953 that is. It has articles like how to clean your face; the art of hair styles….Some of it is just too kitschy to pass up! So my challenge starts tomorrow. Day one!

Yeah!!! I’m excited! I’m ready to start putting more time into me! I use to be one of those artsy
vivacious people, but in the last two years that has not been the case. Whereas I use to not leave the house
without putting on my face, now I can’t remember the last time I put on makeup.  I hope this is the little push in the right direction I need to start channeling my energy back into me.  Here are a few pictures of myself from about 2 years ago....I want to look like me again...and less frumptastic!

 My favorite black fur hat

My second favorite hat (Oh I'm addicted to vintage hats too)

Also I'm trying to decide what to do with my hair....Blonde or Black...I look rather like a candy corn at the moment.(I SOooo need to do my roots!)

So what do you or blonde?


  1. Love the make up and the hats. You are truly beautiful either blonde or brunette. You have great eyes. But if I had to pick i would go with black hair. There's something mysteriously beautiful about dark hair and light eyes. I guess I'm just partial to dark hair.

  2. Why limit yourself? You look great as both a blonde or brunette. Great look with your eyes, too. You got the look. And I'm so jealous of that book. I always wanted to be charming!

  3. I think you look good in both colors too. But if I were to choose I'd say black, it brings out the color of your eyes. Y'know, people just don't wear hats like they used to and it's a shame.

  4. I say go black :) I wish I was as daring as you!

  5. @Leah Thanks my makeup box looks more like a tackle box. Lol

    @Helen I’m going to try to work through most of the book so check back :)

    @Jil people really should wear more hats…I always get strange looks when I wear them…either that or it is because I’m wearing fur in Florida.

    @Iris well I’ve always taken the stand that it is only hair…and will grow back!

    Thanks for the input ladies, sounds like black is the winner!

  6. I'm torn as well. I think they both suit you but I guess it would depend more on your mood/ character. With the black hair you definitely look more mysterious and even mischievous (then again it may be the styling) and with the blonde hair you look more relaxed and natural.

  7. Black, blonde, both are beautiful! If you're desperate for a change, maybe try something completely new. I'm done dying my hair, but going lighter made me so confident while I had it. It's all about trying something fresh.

    You need to give us fun make-up tips, I'm artsy and vivacious in spirit but I never wear make-up, and I love the vintage, colorful cat eye looks you have here!

  8. @Van Thanks! Yeah I was totally ready for a drastic change...and I got it. My hair is now Electric blue! haha. That is drastic right.
