
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Charming Woman - Back to Black..err sort of

So I haven’t been feeling the “Charming Woman” challenge I set for myself since I have been consumed by work and left without much time to blog or even thrift.  But now that the evil Texas deadline has passed and everything is out the door; I have spare time again!  Sweet!  It is time to get back on track!  So I finally took the plunge and dyed my hair (the background music for this task was Amy Winehouse's album "Back to Black", it seems appropriate) 
It didn’t come out exactly like I was expecting…Now I know that the picture on the box and on the side panel isn’t always the true shade(I used a Feria color called Bright Black)…..bbbbbbbbut I wasn’t prepared for electric blue.  Maybe it was because my hair was so pale blonde to start? Who knows…but now I have “Wonder Woman” hair.  Thankfully I really like it!  

Even though I haven’t been posting, I have been following the Charming Woman Day one instruction most days (I missed a few), and the extra effort in keeping my face clean is paying off.  For some reason I had been breaking out like I was a teenager again, but now my skin is almost clear.  Yeah! 
With my new hair color I really need to get crackin’ on the challenge because when you have blue hair…it takes a lot of styling and the right accessorizing to make it work.  So now it is time to move on along in the book for more tips.  The first week or so is mainly about skin care so I might put them all into one post.




  1. In the pic it looks like a bluish cast, not bad. Get some glam glasses and red lipstick and you can rock an old Hollywood look!
