
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The weekend in review...

This weekend was long....satisfyingly long.  I went thrifting with a friend on Saturday and I was ready!  It was the first time I have been to a thrift store before they opened and I was rather amazing how everyone piled outside just waiting for the doors to open.  But there I was filing in behind the person in front of me to get through the door.  It was kinda of nice being the first group in...of course that lasted about five minutes...then it was the normal push and shove.

Soon I had made my usual circuit of the store...sometimes I feel really weird because I have a standard route through the store...and feel a little out of sorts if I change it.  Weirdo.  I ended up finding some vintage Christmas place mats and a nice fondue pot...not that I need it.  I have a hard time passing on fondue stuff...I think I have about six pots now.  Again Weirdo!

After the first store, the rest just flew by!  At final count we hit thirteen thrift stores in all.  Seems crazy right, luckily there is a thrift store sweet spot in Jacksonville.  All thirteen are within roughly three to four miles.  I didn't get THAT much more stuff, because I'm in stuff overload at the moment so I'm very selective.  Here is what I got!  I'm adding a few finds from earlier the week as well from some lunch time thrifting.

 Dansk green glass vase

Mid Century cookbooks and kitchen misc

8 roly poly glasses WITH stand.  (For 4 bucks...Sweet!)

Mr. Tiki glass....does anyone know the maker??

Dansk glass candle holders (a little over a buck for both...oh yeah)

Fire King Jadite restaurant ware coffee cup (.99 cent)

What did you get this weekend?  Linking up at Apron Thrift Girl.




  1. Wow...great stuff. I especially like those glasses in the little carrier.

  2. Those glasses are really cute. Great job!

  3. Those are some stellar finds! I love all of the dansk, especially those candle holders!

  4. You did awesome :) be ready to go again tmw!
