
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Operation Witco World Map – Accepted!

Ok Folks!  There is a Witco World Map currently on eBay…and I WANT it!!!  It shall be mine….(insert evil laugh here).  Here is the kink…I’m poor. LOL  But but but….I NEED it….so the operation has begun.  Here are the details.  I have been super lax on listing my items on the eBay…so Sunday was super post day.  Anything I had to sell (and could part with) I listed in hopes to scrap up the $$ for the Map.  I’m putting my wish and out into the Universe and hoping is comes back as a map.  This was a great task for me…the perfect motivation I need to get going!  Here are a few items that I knew right away I could live without…

 Pair of Frankl Rattan End Tables

Couple of Denning pieces (Mr. Honey almost passed out when I said I was listing these! LOL

Wish me luck!
Ciao Becca

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