
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mid Century Drink - None but the Brave it isn't Friday, but this week has been rough. you know what that calls for....a cocktail!  This is one that I have been drinking for a little while, but have yet to post about, called "None but the Brave".   I found this recipe after searching for ways to use a bottle of Allspice Dram I purchased on a whim.(A good whim, it is delicious!)  So here we go.....

The "Goods"

RECIPE: 1.5oz. Brandy, .5oz Allspice Dram, .5oz Lemon Juice, .5oz Rum, .25 tsp sugar;   Shake over ice and strain into cocktail glass.

Alright! A measure, shake and pour easy.   Here is the finished product:

 My first time using our new dancing pink elephant glasses

 Look I even have pink elephant ice cubes, hey I'm all about the matching.

VERDICT:  Oh so good.  Even after making this for a while, I still play with the ratios a little.  Next time I'm thinking, put in some of those homemade bitters we made.  Yum!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tales from the Veggie Bin: What is that!?!

So this past week in our local veggie bin we received some of this, and my first thought was "WHAT is that!"

This my friends is a Romanesco Cauliflower.  Kinda crazy looking, right.  This is what veggies would look like if the Mad Hatter had a vegetable garden.  Gotta do a close up!

I wasn't totally sure what to do with it, so I just roasted it. 

 Weird looking but very tasty! Nom Nom Nom....


Monday, February 20, 2012

First Thrift Score of 2012

My first score of the year are these awesome chairs by Selig Monroe. I haven't bought any new furniture pieces is a while, mainly due to not having space. But, when I turned the corner at the thrift store the other week and saw these babies sitting there, my heart started beating faster. I chanted to myself, 'Please please please let them still have the tags on them'....and they DID!  YAY!

The second thought was "Oh Crap, Mr. Honey is going to be PISSED if I come home with these....."  Cause well I sort of agreed to not buy any new furniture without talking to him.....but...but...these chairs are awesome....and and... my phone is broken (having dropped it that morning and it broke into pieces.)...and he was out of town.  What to do...what to do....after fretting over it for about thirty minutes I buy them.  Well I really buy one and the ottoman, my sister-in-law who was shopping with me bought the other for me as a belated birthday present (she is awesome like that).

So now I have some new chairs after two trips in the Prius to get them home.  I know the patten is a little wild, but I think that is what I love about them.

  As you can see they are Italian Greyhound approved, I couldn't keep the pups off them long enough to take photos.

The rest of the weekend I spent purging old stock and doing a deep clean so the house sparkled by the time Mr. Honey got home.  To soften the to speak.  Here is how things went down:

Me:  "Ummm So I bought a chair"
Honey: "A chair...."
Me: "Yeah a chair and an ottoman, it is really awesome and I love it, I would have called but I dropped my stupid phone and it is a goner....don't be mad."
Honey: "A chair and an ottoman...."
Me: "Yes, it was a set and there was another chair which matched and M. bought it for me as a birthday present..."
Honey: "Wait....let me get this straight...first it is a chair, then a chair and an ottoman, now it is two chairs and an ottoman...."
Me: "Er....Yes"

At this point he is really quiet, then starts cracking up laughing and says,  Well let me see this "chair"
Yay! argument averted!  I think it worked in my favor that he had been gone all weekend and missed me.(Only the third time we have been apart in three years) 

So anyways, what do you think?


Friday, February 10, 2012

I HEART Andrew Bird

Hi all, it has been a while!  I have been a mad working fool, but I do have a little bit of time to share my favorite music artist, Andrew Bird. If you haven't hear of him then take a listen.

Tenuousness - This is my current favorite song (it always changes), but this video really lets you see how he uses the looping pedal to layer sounds. Watch his feet in the beginning!

Oh no... Another great song.

The song Spare Ohs being performed in the streets of Paris, so awesome. (If you are not digging the violin solo skip to 1:02). I wish I was walking down the street and stumbled across him singing. Oh wait I have...but that was a dream. :)

Lull, my last favorite song, I can listen to it on repeat all day. (I was at this show!!)

Hope you enjoy it!


PS. I wish I could whistle :(