
Friday, September 30, 2011

Mid Century Drink Day - Bar Aid #46

So it is Friday evening...time for a cocktail.  This post tonight is going to be short and sweet.  I picked a number randomly from the jar......#46 Jamaica Ginger.

Awesomely enough, I had everything for this drink...which was a good thing!  It has been a tedious day and I really didn't feel like running to the store so I might have had to put the number back and fish for another

RECIPE:  2/3 Jamaica Rum, 1/3 Grenadine, 3 dashes each Maraschino and Curacao, 1 dash Angostura Bitters.  Shake well with ice, Strain into glass.

Lets get started....

 Oh if you ever see one of these out and about I would pick it up.  This little guy is super convenient for drinks like this with a 2/3 to 1/3 ratio.  One side is marked a Jigger 1.5oz and the other a pony .75oz, makes measuring a breeze!

So once I have it all in the cocktail shaker.....SHAKE, SHAKE, POUR!

There you go a nice looking drink.

VERDICT - Yummy.  I would definitely drink this again..  While it does have a nice spice to it, I'm not sure why it is called a Jamaica Ginger. 

Oh and is it weird that I have cocktail glasses that match my curtains? Ha!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I have moved in!

Yay! So I got to move into my new booth at Southern Crossings this week.  I'm super excited about my new spot.  I have even had a few sales in the two days that everything has been in place.  Sweet!  Here are a few quick photos I took on the first day.

Not sure if I'm a fan of the wallpaper that was in place when I moved in....I may take it off later.  Anyways I can't wait to see how this en devour turns out!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mid Century Clocks : I should never be late, yet i am....

I love fun and funky mid century clocks.  I didn't even realize that I was collecting them at first, until I looked around and noticed that I have one or more in every room in the house.  Since I'm running out of space, I don't pick them up as much anymore, but if I see a particularly awesome one, it finds it's way home with me.  To which Mr. Honey says, "Another clock!?!" 

Here are a some of my favorites:

The cool thing about this one is it can be hung on any side

Welby Starburst.  I love Welby's because of the design of the face

Ingram starburst

Tele-vision Flip clock that lights up!

Seth Thomas flip in wood case

Another TV flip clock, this lights up too.

Jax beer! 

This last one is perfect for us since we live in Jacksonville (Jax) and Mr. Honey LOVES beers. Actually, love is probably too tame of a word, I swear when he talks to people about craft brewing it is a totally different language.  I try to follow along, but I'm just not into it....all I know is I don't like Hoppy beers.  Anyways, this clock hangs right next to the Kegerator in the kitchen. 



Monday, September 19, 2011

The Big "E" Eye Candy

My favorite drool worthy items of the week!

The large and gorgeous DuBarry sculptural lamp featured was actually purchased at a local estate sale.  I went to the sale especially to pick up this lamp, but it was out of my budget then...and definitely out of my budget now.  Sadness.



Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Vintage Kitchen – Pork

In an effort to eat better (and lose a lot of my ass) Mr. Honey and I have started cooking again.  To use the word “again” for him is misleading since he does most of the cooking, but for me…well…it is appropriate.  I hate cooking 95% of the time and to be truthful, part of it is that I am just lost in the kitchen. The few times I have done the grocery shopping myself and Honey has made the list, I have had to double check items with him…items I should, at 31, know.  For example this is part of an actual conversation:
“On the list is pork tenderloin…..will the package say tenderloin” -Me
“Yes dear” –Honey

"Sweet!" -Me

I thought of this moment when I was flipping through one of my MANY vintage cookbooks and found this Pork cut guide. 

As well as just the cut guide, the book held lots of great information and recipes for each type of meat.  So this week I think I shall try a few of them out...and maybe even make a roast since I have been told several times that I don't make enough roast...or pies...but one thing at a time.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Bar Aid - Lets spin that wheel! #56

Today is a great day for a cocktail....not because it was bad but because it was AWESOME!  A mini celebration.  I received word yesterday that a booth at a local antique mall opened up for me and I'm super excited.  I have "inventory" stashed all over the house and I'm ready to get it in front of buyers. I'm takin' my closet BACK!

I decided to use the bar air for today's drink recipe, so I pulled a random number out of the drink jar....#56  Millionaire No. 2.  And just to prove that everything is going right today...I actually have every ingredient on hand so no trip to the local liquor store. SWEET!

 RECIPE:  1/3 each Jamaica Rum, Apricot Brandy, and Sloe Gin, 1 dash Grenadine, juice of 1 Lime.  Shake with ice and strain into glass.

Here is a close up of the particular brands...I personally like Appleton Estate Jamaican Rum and always use Rose's Grenadine.  Also if you need to pick up some Sloe Gin you might not find it along with all the standard gins, I found this bottle over with all the cordials....and on the Apricot Brandy, I'm not sure.  Luckily we received a bottle of it, homemade, from a friend several months ago and it was in the freezer.  Now since the the recipe only calls for one third of each ingredient but no actual measurement...I used my 1.5oz jigger for each.

Thanks A & D.  The Apricot Brandy is delicious!   

Here is all the ingredients in my new save time I just split the lime into quarters, squeezed and dropped each segment.

 A little shake and some straining and Viola!  Finished Product!

VERDICT:   Delicious. I want another! The flavors meld perfectly.  The recipe says to strain all ice but I think I prefer it with a few ice cubes 

You should try it.  Have a great weekend everyone!
